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Computer Graphics & Tech Animation

This page shows some of my mini-projects that either improve the skills of game programming or for self-interest. 

Computer Graphics Programming 

A physically-based animation by implementing algorithms such as numerical integration, collision handling, and collision response.

As the white balls collide, they change to blue and drop in physical-based.

Behavior-based animation techniques by implementing algorithms such as spatial agent vision, movement, and interaction.

Cube - predator

Circle - obstacles

Cylinder - prey

The predator can be blocked by the obstacles, and randomly move until it saw the prey. The predator chase prey when detected, and prey try to avoid predators.

The keyframe or inbetweening based animation by implementing curve interpolation with speed control.

Randomly set 8 points in 3D space, and animate the cube moving through the curve defined by the points as the control points for a piecewise cubic Caltmull-Rom Spline. 

The keyframe or inbetweening based animation by implementing curve interpolation with speed control.

Randomly set 8 points in 3D space, and animate the cube moving through the curve defined by the points as the control points for a piecewise cubic Caltmull-Rom Spline. 

Mini Projects for Self-Interest

A 3D Tower defense game by Unity 3D using C#.

Enemies: Auto-Path finding

- Money System

- Tower upgrade System

- Different Side views


A 2D digital collectible card game by Unity 3D using C#.

-Programming the whole work


-Logic design

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